Manzanillo Beach in Puntarenas Address Map

Directions from Juan Santamaria International Airport (SJO), Alajuela, Costa Rica TO Manzanillo Beach in Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Directions from Daniel Oduber Quiros International Airport (LIR), Guanacaste, Costa Rica TO Manzanillo Beach in Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Note: There is another route through Nosara, Samara, Coyote and Ario to Manzanillo, but in Google Maps streets are not complete or correct, and you’ll have to cross several rivers and even a stretch of beach between Ario and Manzanillo, which has to be done in low tide and we recommend using a 4×4 vehicle for this route. Or you can reach the junction that leads to Ario Beach and go through the mountains, this way takes longer, but it’s the official road and its use is not dependent on tides.

For further information about Manzanillo Beach in Puntarenas, please click here

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