Cerro las Vueltas Biological Reserve Costa Rica

Location: within the Los Santos Forest Reserve, district: Copey, canton: Dota, province: San Jose, Costa Rica. Zone postal code: 11703.

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Santa Maria de Dota GPS coordinates: 9.653131,-83.969856 (9°39’11.27″N, 83°58’11.48″W)
Size: 802ha (1,980 acres)
Central Pacific Conservation Area (ACOPAC) Telephone: +506 2416-7878
INFOTUR Tourist Information: 1192

Address map: Click here to view directions from Juan Santamaria International Airport (SJO), Alajuela, Costa Rica TO Empalme, Cartago, Costa Rica at Google Maps

Cerro las Vueltas Biological Reserve Costa Rica was created since 1994, but it was decreed as one on July 26th, 1995. It is located within the Los Santos Forest Reserve in the district of the canton Copey de Dota in San José province, near the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. It protects part of the moors that are in the highest parts of the Cordillera de Talamanca and oak forests, composed mainly of huge oak trees (Quercus spp), which surrounding them.

With its high biodiversity in this region are the following types of forests: tropical wet, transition to montane, rainy montane and lower rainy montane. Plant species found in the area are: oak, Post Oak, Guettarda comata, Ruscus aculeatus, magnolia, Vantanea babourii, Alder, Hirtella racemosa, Mexican Elm, Inga alba, Ladenbergi brenesii, “Horquetilla”, “Papayillo”, “Cucaracho”, “Quizarrá”, Prunus cornifolia, “Picarillo”, Palm hearts, Sapium glandulosum, “Yas”, “Palo de paja”, Tree ferns, Clusia major (Copey, Autograph Tree, Pitch-apple), Mosquitoxylum jamaicense, Weinmannia, Cojoba arborea, Humiriastrum diguense,, “Ciprecillo”, Poor man umbrella, Brunellia, “Arrayancillo”, “Candelillo” and Clethra costaricensis.

The fauna is rich and varied. It have been observed tapirs, peccaries, jaguarundies, margays, goats, coaties, foxes, coyotes, armadillos, raccoons, weasels, porcupines, squirrels, turkeys, partridges, pigeons. The Sooty Thrush (Turdus nigrescens,) a resident bird of high elevations, is very common. In rivers you can find otters and trout. There are also some snakes like the Fer-de-lance, the Side-striped Palm-pitviper and the Costa Rican Coralsnake.

The rainfall ranges between 2000 and 3000mm per year. The temperature ranges between 12°C and 28°C. Because of its location in the area of Los Santos, the region has evidence of sedimentary rocks, mainly shale, limestone and sandstone.

The Rounds Hill has 3156 m altitude, is located next to the Pan American Highway (km 74) and is an excellent vantage point Laps it covers a large area of the country. An interesting fact is that the historic road that connected the Central Valley to San Isidro de El General, passes through the reserve. Other nearby Costa Rica National Parks includes the Los Quetzales National Park (formerly Los Santos Biological Reserve), Paramo Wildlife Refuge, Tapanti National Park and Chirripo National Park. There are no public park facilities at this biological reserve.

Getting to Cerro las Vueltas Biological Reserve:

Take the road from San Jose to Cartago, on the Interamerican Highway, and take the exit for the Cerro de la Muerte until you reach km. 51, El Empalme, turn right to Santa Maria de Dota. At the park, turn left for 7 km to Copey. Shortly after you pass the turnoff to Copey de Dota, the road to the Station will be on your left.

By bus

Take a bus from the route San Jose – Los Santos (Santa Maria de Dota, San Marcos de Tarrazú y San Pablo de Leon Cortes), which takes about 2 hours (Transportes Los Santos, +506 2546-7248 / +506 2227-3597). From here you can take taxi to Cerro las Vueltas Biological Reserve, which takes about 10 minutes.